Italian border authorities arrested 77-year-old Israeli
citizen Gedaliah Taub on Friday on suspicion of
international human organ trafficking.

Taub was
detained at the Rome airport after officials
determined his passport was forged.
police told Maariv that Brazil had issued an
international arrest warrant for Taub after he fled
the South American country in 2009 during a
leave from prison,
where he was serving a nine-year sentence for
organ trafficking.

Taub reportedly arrived in Rome on Thursday
and presented the border officials his Israeli passport.
The official noted that Taub was behaving
anxiously and upon further inspection, discovered
that the date of birth on the passport had been
altered. The Israeli citizen was taken for questioning
and his fingerprints were run in an international
database, which revealed that he was wanted in

A search of his belongings further revealed
A search of his belongings further revealed
that he was carrying multiple passports as well
as a knife. Taub was promptly arrested and
sent to a local jail where he awaits extradition to Brazil.

The Italian police officer in charge of the
case, told Maariv that he spoke to colleagues
in Brazil, who told him Taub was a former IDF
officer who served as the leader of a human
organ trafficking ring that offered poor Brazilians
to sell him their kidneys for $12,000.

“We know of at least 19 cases in which Brazilian
citizens sold their kidneys to Taub and his friends,
” the Brazilian officials told their Italian counterpart.
They added that the traffickers would send their
victims to South Africa, where doctors would
remove their kidneys and transplant them in the
bodies of wealthy buyers.
Brazil issued the arrest warrant in 2010, after
Taub went missing, failing to return from a
prison leave.
The Israeli embassy in Rome received notice
of Taub’s arrest. He is entitled to a visit by
the ambassador.
[121 Kilobytes] [about 15 paper pages] Jewish
crime, focusing here in the late 1800s and
early to mid-1900s; Jewish criminal networks
in New York City and other major cities; the
central Jewish influence in the birth of
"organized" crime; prominent Jewish
fraudsters and scam artists; Meyer Lansky
and "the Syndicate"; Jewish pre-eminence in
Las Vegas (and other international "Sin Cities")
and its criminal underworld; Jewish criminal
contributions to the founding of modern Israel;
modern Jewish myth of categorical
historical innocence and nonviolence
versus the facts of history; noteworthy
Jewish criminals in more modern times.

Jewish Networks: the "Russian"
Mafia, the "Ultra-Orthodox", and Others
[294 Kilobytes] [about 62 paper pages]
[294 Kilobytes] [about 62 paper pages]
Jewish historical influence in the criminal
drug world; drug money laundering in New
York City's Jewish diamond world; the
international cocaine triangle: Israelis,
other Jewish couriers and launderers,
and the Colombian drug cartel; drug
money laundering through Jewish
ultra-Orthodox religious networks; special
privileges afforded Jews in prison;

Jewish pre-eminence in the smuggling
of marijuana and Ecstasy; Jewish
pre-eminence in the "Russian" Mafia;
Jewish Russian influence in the giant
International Monetary Fund scandal;
crime in the ultra-Orthodox community;
criminals' protection from being
identified as Jewish in the mass
media; the exploitation of the
accusation of anti-Semitism by
Jewish criminals; the Jewish ethnic
media's self-reflections about the
crisis in Jewish ethics.

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