Monday, January 6, 2014




An illiterate West African tribe known as the Dogon-who live in the Bandiagara Cliffs of Southeastern Mali-startled the scientific world in the 1950s when it was discovered that their priests have had extremely complex knowledge of astronomy for at least 700 years.
They have known for centuries about the rings of Saturn, the moons of Jupiter, the spiral structure of the Milky Way Galaxy, and intricate details about the stars including their mass and orbits.  Much of the complex astrological knowledge that the Dogon have had since the 13th century either can not be confirmed by modern scientists or was not discovered until the 20th century.  Kenneth Brecher of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology was dumbfounded and stated bluntly: “The Dogon have no business knowing any of this.”  Robert Temple, an acclaimed member of the Royal Astronomical Society, speculates in his book The Sirius Mystery that “space-beings from the Sirius star-system must have brought this marvelous knowledge down to the Africans.”

Two French Anthropologists, Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen, lived and worked with the Dogon from 1931 to 1956 and eventually became so loved and trusted that they were initiated into the tribe.  After 16 years of stage by stage initiations, the Dogon called a conference and revealed to these Europeans their intimate secret knowledge of the solar system that was eventually recorded in a book entitled The Pale Fox.

The Frenchmen were told that our solar system consists of a fixed star with planets rotating around this star and moons rotating around the planets.  They said a force we describe as “gravity” was responsible for holding the planets and moons in place.  The Dogon gave names and a complete description of the properties and behavior of the planets, moons, and fixed stars such as Polaris, Sirius, and the Pleiades.  Mars, for example, was called “Yapunu toll” meaning “planet of menstruation” perhaps because of its red color.  A calendar based on the six positions or phases of Venus determined when the Dogon would plant and harvest their food for best results.  However, no aspect of Dogon knowledge has created more astonishment than their description of the properties of the star known as Sirius B (po tolo to the Dogon).

It is incomprehensible to modern scientists how the Dogon could know so much about Sirius B, an invisible star to the naked eye, located 51 trillion miles away.  The Frenchmen were told that Sirius B is the sky’s tiniest and yet heaviest star and has a 50 year elliptical orbit around Sirius A, the brightest star in the sky.  The Dogon said that this dwarf star (Sirius B) is the most important star and the origin of all other stars and that it is composed of a metal heavier and brighter than iron.  Although Sirius B is invisible to the naked eye, the Dogon have chosen a new astronomer-priest every 60 years when the orbits of Sirius B, Jupiter, and Saturn come into synchronization. 

A ceremony called the “sigui” is held and a mask is carved to celebrate this 60-year event.  Griaule and Dieterlen said they were shown a cave in Ibi, Mali that contained 12 sigui ceremonial masks, which would date the ceremonies back to the 13th century.  The first Western report of Sirius B was not until 1862 by Alvan Clark who observed the companion star through his new telescope.  The Dogon told of several other companion stars around Sirius A that were not confirmed by modern astrophysicists until 1979 with the “Einstein” orbiting observatory.  The Dogon also have an annual “bado” celebration that honors the one year period in which Sirius B rotates on its own axis.  Modern scientists still can not confirm this one-year rotation on its own axis.

Charles Finch in his book entitled The Star of Deep Beginnings says that the Dogon have never been proven wrong in any of their descriptions of the properties and behavior of Sirius B and that they are also probably correct in calling Sirius B the mother of all stars.  Finch says that Sirius B is as old as the universe (12 billion years) and the closest star to our solar system.  Moreover, he states “since all newborn stars (like our sun) are created from older stars, our solar system including Earth and everything in it may owe its very existence to Sirius B as the Dogon say.”

The advanced scientific knowledge of the Dogon makes them the most astonishing and enigmatic people in all Africa.  Hunter Adams III of the Argonne National Laboratory admits that in certain domains of astronomy and cosmology the Dogon have no historical peers.  He says there is nothing remotely similar to the knowledge of the Dogon in the literature of the ancient Egyptians, Sumerians, Greeks, Chinese, on Medieval Arabs.  It’s truly a shame that entrenched Western racist attitudes towards African scientific knowledge can only attribute Dogon knowledge to the presence of space aliens.  Unfortunately, most agree with Robert Temple of the Royal Astronomical Society of Great Britain that “space-beings from the Sirius star-system must have brought this marvelous knowledge down to the Africans.” 

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