Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Tarhaka Amaana El Bey The United States, a private for profit Federal Corporation, is bankrupt

Tarhaka Amaana El Bey The United States, a private for profit Federal Corporation, is bankrupt and has to pay our bills The united states “…is a corporation, a legal fiction that existed well before the Revolutionary War.” Republica v. Sween, 1 Dallas 43. United States Code Title 28, Part VI, Chapter 176, Subchapter A, § 3002; (15) “United States” means, (A) a Federal corporation 1933 March 9, a bank emergency was declared by President Roosevelt because of the insolvency [bankruptcy] of the United States. Executive Order 6073, 6102, 6111, 6260; Senate Report 93-549, pgs. 187 & 594, 1973. 1933 March 9,“The new money (paper promissory notes) is issued to the banks in return for Government obligations, bills of exchange, drafts, notes, trade acceptances, and banker’s acceptances. The new money will be worth 100 cents on the dollar because it is backed by the credit of the nation. It will represent a mortgage on all the homes and other property of all the people in the Nation.” Senate Document No. 43, 73rd Congressional Record, 1st Session. 1933 May 1, gold was transferred [stolen] from U. S. Citizens to the United States by Executive Order 6102. 1933 May 23, Congressman, Louis T. McFadden brought formal charges (Congressional Record May 23, 1933 page 4055- 4058) against the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank system, The Comptroller of the Currency and the Secretary of United States Treasury for numerous criminal acts, including but not limited to, conspiracy, fraud, unlawful conversion and treason. The petition for Articles of Impeachment was thereafter referred to the Judiciary Committee and has yet to be acted on. 1933 June 5, to mitigate McFadden’s charges (and prevent being hung for treason), Congress passed House Joint Resolution 192 to provide U. S. Citizens the right to set off all debt obligations as the consideration (something bargained for i.e., an exchange) for the transfer of all the gold and property. It is against Public Policy to pay a debt. Chap. 48, 48 Stat. 112 in the United States Statutes at Large is Public Law. 1950 Congress declared “bankruptcy and reorganization“. Secretary of Treasury appointed receiver in the bankruptcy. Reorganization Plan, No. 26, 5 U.S.C.A. 903; Public Law 94-564; Legislative History, Pg. 5967. 1973 “Since March 9th, 1933, the United States has been in a state of declared national emergency (bankruptcy)…” Senate Resolution 9, 93d. Congress, 1st.session, Foreward. The president signs [renews] this every year. 1977 Oct. 28th, the United States as a “Corporation” and “State” declared insolvency. State banks and most other banks were put under control of the “Governor” (Secretary of the U. S. Treasury) of the “Fund” (I.M.F.). 26 IRC 165 (g)(1); U.C.C. 1- 201(23), C.R.S. 39-22-103.5, Westfall vs. Braley, 10 Ohio 188, 75 Am. Dec. 509, Adams vs. Richardson, 337 S.W. 2d. 911; Ward vs. Smith, 7 Wall 447. 1993 March 17th, United States Congressional Record, Vol. 33, page H-1303. Speaker-Rep. James Traficant, Jr. (Ohio) addressing the House: “Mr. Speaker, we are here now in chapter 11.. Members of Congress are official trustees presiding over the greatest reorganization of any Bankrupt entity in world history, the U. S. Government.” It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress June 5, 1933 – Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Governmental Offices, Officers, and Departments and is further evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only. [Also see the Clearfield Doctrine]

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