Monday, September 30, 2013

Civil, Criminal, Common Law and Court Battles Part # 2 09/30 by Tarhaka | Education Podcasts

Civil, Criminal, Common Law and Court Battles Part # 2 09/30 by Tarhaka | Education Podcasts
Listen in now at #BlogTalkRadio
Civil, Criminal, Common Law and Court Battles Part # 2
New updates from Rod Class and others.
I've Been banned again form Face Book for 30 more days for befriending my own people. Please send friend request on Face Book and Linked In to .Tarhaka Amaana El Bey.
What is the big plantation?
What are the secret societies planning for America?
What is the winning tools to use in Court?
What is the difference between Common and Civil Law?
What are the best Rules to follow before Court?
Whats new involving the Bankruptcy Scam?
Don't miss this powerful broadcast
For financial solutions Visit
I would like to invite you to join my new Face Book group Moorish American Men and Women.
Feel free to visit my new Word Press for articles only,
Listen to past shows by Tarhaka,

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Federal Student Loan Debt Solutions

The first thing we must consider in dealing with any debt 
In America is the fact there is no money! Just debt notes
Armed with this knowledge, we have to ask the question 
How can I pay a debt with a debt?
When someone tells me they will give me a student loan
My first question should be, is what will you except for
Payment for the best student loan I can get!
The United States filed bankruptcy in 1933 and is still
in that bankruptcy today. House Joint resolution 192 was
Put in place that same year and is still in place today
Which means if all the real money (gold) has been
Confiscated from the people by the Government at gun
Point and a remedy was put in place for the people
To discharge debts threw signature how could we be
Expected to pay a student loan with debt notes.
Now this is quite interesting when you apply for a
Federal student loan, Government student loan, college
Student loan, private student loan, or any other student
Loan, for that matter the first thing we should consider
Is it has to be debt and the only logical conclusion for
Student loan payment is set off or cancellation of
Contract go to
Most student loan people are laden with debt from
Trying to fiscally pay student loan debt with
Debt notes the loan is not designed to pay off. Not only
Is it debt but it has interest attached to it wow!
Now we come to the part about getting the student loan
In the first place in most cases you are told you will get
The loan then you find out you have your school and class
Scheduled with time, books and all that go's along with
It but you do not receive the cash you are told your tuition
Has been paid but do you have proof of that who got the
Gold. So you attent school until you graduate and then WAM!
But how are you gonna pay back money you never got or seen
When there are no jobs available for people with your skills
What a mess so we run for the student loan calculator or start
Looking for some type of student loan consolidation program
Well just stop for a moment take a look at other options
Go to examine the page
From top to bottom click on the rest of the links

Civil, Criminal, Common Law and Court Battles Part # 1 09/29 by Tarhaka | Education Podcasts

Civil, Criminal, Common Law and Court Battles Part # 1 09/29 by Tarhaka | Education Podcasts
Listen in at #BlogTalkRadio
Civil, Criminal, Common Law and Court Battles Part # 1
Tonight Sunday September 29 3013 at 7:00 pm est
Call in # 310-982-4184 on Moorish Talk Live 100
At Blog Talk Radio.
New updates from Rod Class and others
I've Been banned again form Face Book for 30 more days for befriending my own people. Please send friend request on Face Book and Linked In to .Tarhaka Amaana El Bey.
What is the winning tools to use in Court?
What is the difference between Common and Civil Law?
What are the best Rules to follow before Court?
Just what is Criminal Law?
Whats new involving the Bankruptcy Scam?
Don't miss this powerful broadcast
For financial solutions Visit
I would like to invite you to join my new Face Book group Moorish American Men and Women.
Feel free to visit my new Word Press for articles only,
Listen to past shows by Tarhaka,

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Current State of Moors in America 2013 09/24 by Tarhaka | Education Podcasts

The Current State of Moors in America 2013 09/24 by Tarhaka | Education Podcasts
Listen in now Click here
The Current State of Moors in America 2013
I've Been banned again form Face Book for 30 more days for befriending my own people. Please send friend request on Face Book and Linked In to.Tarhaka Amaana El Bey.
Where are we now today in America?
What is the current state of Racism today?
What is the current economic status of the Moors today?
What has changed for black people in America today?
Don't miss this powerful broadcast
For financial solutions Visit
I would like to invite you to join my new Face Book group Moorish American Men and Women.
Feel free to visit my new Word Press for articles only,
Listen to past shows by Tarhaka,
Past articles

Sunday, September 22, 2013

The C.I.A. Groom Lake, Area 51 and America 09/22 by Tarhaka | Education Podcasts

The C.I.A. Groom Lake, Area 51 and America 09/22 by Tarhaka | Education Podcasts
Listen in now at
The C.I.A. Groom Lake, Area 51 and America
I've Been banned again form Face Book for 30 more days for befriending my own people. Please send friend request on Face Book and Linked In to.Tarhaka Amaana El Bey.
What part doe's the C.I.A. play in covert operations of the United States?
Are there underground cities in the U.S.?
Who controls wars on this planet?
What is Groom Lake?
What is area 51 all about?
How doe's all this effects the people of North America?
Don't miss this powerful broadcast
For financial solutions Visit
I would like to invite you to join my new Face Book group Moorish American Men and Women.
Feel free to visit my new Word Press for articles only,
Listen to past shows by Tarhaka,
Past articles

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Nationality, Race Mixing and the Treasure of God part # 2 09/15 by Tarhaka | Education Podcasts

Nationality, Race Mixing and the Treasure of God part # 2 09/15 by Tarhaka | Education Podcasts
Listen in now at #BlogTalkRadio
Nationality, Race Mixing and the Treasure of God part # 2
Tonight Sunday September 15th 2013 at 7:00 pm est
Call in # 310-982-4184
Join this Event on Face Book.
I've Been banned again form Face Book for 30 more days for befriending my own people. Please send friend request on Face Book and Linked In to.Tarhaka Amaana El Bey.
How can we settle the true Jewish question?
What is the great challenge ?
Don't miss this powerful broadcast
For financial solutions Visit
I would like to invite you to join my new Face Book group Moorish American Men and Women.
Feel free to visit my new Word Press for articles only,
Listen to past shows by Tarhaka,
Past articles

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Knowledge of Self and Higher Consciousness 09/11 by Tarhaka | Culture Podcasts

Knowledge of Self and Higher Consciousness 09/11 by Tarhaka | Culture Podcasts
Listen at #BlogTalkRadio
Knowledge of Self and Higher Consciousness
With the story by Dr. Delbert Blair
Join this event on Face Book.
I've Been banned again form Face Book for 30 more days for befriending my own people. Please send friend request on Face Book and Linked In to.Tarhaka Amaana El Bey.
For financial solutions Visit
I would like to invite you to join my new Face Book group Moorish American Men and Women.
Feel free to visit my new Word Press for articles only,
Listen to past shows by Tarhaka,

Friday, September 13, 2013

Nationality, Race Mixing and the Treasure of God part # 1 09/12 by Tarhaka | Culture Podcasts

Nationality, Race Mixing and the Treasure of God part # 1 09/12 by Tarhaka | Culture Podcasts
Listen in now at
Nationality, Race Mixing and the Treasure of God part # 1
I've Been banned again form Face Book for 30 more days for befriending my own people. Please send friend request on Face Book and Linked In to.Tarhaka Amaana El Bey.
What is your Nationality?
What is the difference between Nationality and Race?
How do race mixing benefit people of African decent?
Does race mixing cause a problem for people that engage in it?
Does race mixing cause confusion for the off spring?
What is the true treasure of GOD?
Don't miss this powerful broadcast
For financial solutions Visit
I would like to invite you to join my new Face Book group Moorish American Men and Women.
Feel free to visit my new Word Press for articles only,
Listen to past shows by Tarhaka,

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Knowledge of Self and Higher Consciousness 09/11 by Tarhaka | Culture Podcasts

Knowledge of Self and Higher Consciousness 09/11 by Tarhaka | Culture Podcasts
Listen at
Knowledge of Self and Higher Consciousness 
Tonight Wednesday September 11th 2013 at 7:00 pm est
Call in number #310-982-4184
With the story by Dr. Delbert Blair
Join this event on Face Book.
I've Been banned again form Face Book for 30 more days for befriending my own people. Please send friend request on Face Book and Linked In to.Tarhaka Amaana El Bey.
What is meant by the higher vibration?
How do we gain control of our higher vibrations?
What is knowledge of self?
What does it mean to be Conscious?
Don't miss this powerful broadcast
For financial solutions Visit
I would like to invite you to join my new Face Book group Moorish American Men and Women.
Feel free to visit my new Word Press for articles only,
Listen to past shows by Tarhaka,

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Obama Deception 09/09 by Tarhaka | Culture Podcasts

The Obama Deception 09/09 by Tarhaka | Culture Podcasts
Listen in now at
The Obama Deception
With the story by Griff, second half Dr Umar Abdula Johnson.
I've Been banned again form Face Book for 30 more days for befriending my own people. Please send friend request on Face Book and Linked In to.Tarhaka Amaana El Bey.
What is the attack against Hip Hop?
What part does the Illuminati play?
Who are the players and who are the victims?
Is there murder involved?
Is Tupac really dead?
Don't miss this powerful broadcast
For financial solutions Visit
I would like to invite you to join my new Face Book group Moorish American Men and Women.
Feel free to visit my new Word Press for articles only,
Listen to past shows by Tarhaka,

Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Solution to Mortgage Fraud Unveiled 09/08 by Tarhaka | Culture Podcasts

The Solution to Mortgage Fraud Unveiled 09/08 by Tarhaka | Culture Podcasts
Listen in now at
The Solution to Mortgage Fraud Unveiled
Sunday September 8th 2013 at 7:00 pm est
On Moorish Talk Live 100 at Blog Talk Radio
Call in # 310-982-4184
I've Been banned again form Face Book for 30 more days for befriending my own people. Please send friend request on Face Book and Linked In to.Tarhaka Amaana El Bey.
What is inside your Mortgage that makes it illegal ?
What is the media not telling you about your mortgage?
What is the Solution to the problem?
For financial solutions Visit
I would like to invite you to join my new Face Book group Moorish American Men and Women.
Feel free to visit my new Word Press for articles only,
Listen to past shows by Tarhaka,

Friday, September 6, 2013

Urban Geoponics with Sundiata El 09/06 by AIR Abundance Internet Radio | Environment Podcasts

Urban Geoponics with Sundiata El 09/06 by AIR Abundance Internet Radio | Environment Podcasts call in now #347-215-6592
Join Sundiata El and co host Diallo Sekou, Friday, Sept 6, 8pm to discuss topics of sustainability and agriculture. We will touch on the non-profit agricultural entity, Urban Geoponics and discuss upcoming projects and objectives. Join us for a wealth of information and on future plans that sprang out of the first two Summit of the Moors meetings held in Jacksonville, FL. For a close up look at what is going on click

The Economic Benefit of Self Sustaining Agriculture 09/05 by Tarhaka | Culture Podcasts

The Economic Benefit of Self Sustaining Agriculture 09/05 by Tarhaka | Culture Podcasts
Listen in now at
The Economic Benefit of Self Sustaining Agriculture
With special guest Sundiata Ameh El and Diallo Sekou
What is the main financial benefit of self Agriculture?
What is the current status of today's beneficial market?
How can we profit on our own land?
What percentage of the market is available today?
How doe's other products we own and manufacture fit in?
What is the Equity side of this project?
For a close up look at what is going on click
For financial solutions Visit
I would like to invite you to join my new Face Book group Moorish American Men and Women.
Feel free to visit my new Word Press for articles only,
Listen to past shows by Tarhaka,

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

What is our money worth and what should we invest in? 09/03 by Tarhaka | Culture Podcasts

What is our money worth and what should we invest in? 09/03 by Tarhaka | Culture Podcasts
I'm broadcasting live on the air! Listen in now at
Whats our money worth and what should we invest in?
What is the solution to our main investments now?
I would like to invite you to join my new Face Book group Moorish American Men and Women.
Feel free to visit my new Word Press for articles only,
Listen to past shows by Tarhaka,

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Relationships,Dating, marriage, cheating and solutions 09/01 by Tarhaka | Culture Podcasts

Relationships,Dating, marriage, cheating and solutions 09/01 by Tarhaka | Culture Podcasts
Listen in now at
Relationships,Dating, marriage, cheating and solutions 
I've just Been banned again form Face Book for 30 more days for befriending my own people. Please send friend request on Face Book and Linked In to.
Tarhaka Amaana El Bey.
Whats the real reason the brothers cheat?
Whats the real reason the sisters cheat?
Why are so many brothers still single?
What about the strong black woman?
What about black relationships on college campuses?
How should the brothers and sisters treat each other?
I would like to invite you to join my new Face Book group Moorish American Men and Women.
Feel free to visit my new Word Press for articles only,
Listen to past shows by Tarhaka,